Thursday, November 24, 2011

disetiap gambar ada MAKNA :)

OMG, gmba ni saya nak shae ngan anda2 sume yg kunjung blog ni
gambar dye superb best :D
taking at 

human difficult to give forgiven on each other
but Allah?
is always forgiving us :')

exam mode :D
IM one of SPM 2012 Candidates
pray for me and you too

colour of LIFE 


thinking of that :D

of course * thumb up


Animal rights are an important topic in Islam. We should never be cruel to animals (or people!). Ibn Umar narrated, "A lady was punished because of a cat which she had imprisoned till it died. She entered the (Hell) Fire because of it, for she neither gave it food nor water as she had imprisoned it, nor set it free to eat from the vermin of the earth" [Bukhari Vol 4, Book 56, No 689] 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Dear sister in Islam,
We know its hard. We know you look at the pictures of the models and the celebrities and wonder why you can’t look like them? We know it hurts to sometimes refrain yourself from plucking those brows or to put on that hijab & abaya. We know sometimes you have to give up being able to wear a certain thing because it isn’t appropriate. We know it gets hard to walk outside with no make up on, with your natural face, thinking it’s not good enough and all of your flaws are showing.

You know what else we know? We know you’re beautiful, regardless of what you think of yourself. ♥ We know that even the slightest inclination of pleasing Allah in yourself increases that beauty ten-fold and we know that when Allah finds you beautiful, it’s all that matters. You’re not doing this for the world, remember? You’re not even doing it for yourself. :)

Imagine your beauty on the Day of Qiyamah when your face would be glowing and radiant with noor, when you would enter Jannaj & be more beautiful than the hoor and you would realize that it was this world really wasn’t worth the drool.

Lovely sister, we are proud of you! ♥

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


ni nak cite pasal hari saya,nadia ngan eb aka farah nabillah ktorng kluark sama-sama.asalnye niat " Si Pengajak ni lain, tp lain yng jadinya :)
ktorng cdng nak b'kmpl kol 11.30, orng yang first sampai nadia, then nadia tunggu ktorng yg lain2 ni smpai. pstu sya yng adik2 dtng, lps tu nadia call neb tnya neb kat ner,pastu neb kata gila jalan2 dulu :)

sementara tunggu neb..kitorng pegi main game kat  arki(betol ke ni ejaannyer??)
satu game sume satu token.
1 token= RM 1
murah la kan? dulu time ak main kat fun fair. mahal gler kot??
tak kisahlakan..pstu nadia ngan adik2 sye termasuk sayampun main la game at situ. time tu takde orng pon, sbb pagi lagi, perniagaan tak begitu rancak sngt 

pastu tunggu neb then main bowling
NADIA 'IZZATI menang~biase la,hobi dye ni :)

ni syed, adik ak yg comey -,-haha

pastu kitorng makan2 . neb+nadia mkan nasi ayam kuah sup kaki ayam. tp dorng tak makan kaki tuh mkn sup je, ak and siblings ,makan nasi goreng cina yang agak lama nak kene tunggu masak :/
pastu masok waktu (pdahal dah kol 2) solat zohor kat surau SACC mall. balik tuh syed ade cite ade bnda pelik blaku, seram la gak. dye masok surau time tu ade dye ngan seorng pak guard habis solat dye jengok2 la kat luar surau kjp carik ktorng pastu dia toleh balik, pak guard tuh dah ilang. tak tau la ni khayalan atau pe? yg pasti ak ckp ala..orng la tu orng

neb,siap2 lps solat :)

sempat lagi tuh ;D

then ktorng pusing2 kat SACC mall tuh, pastu cam biase gi MPH, wargghhh kesian dorng tunggu lama giler hampir satu jam kowt??! SORRY giler,, sbb buku kat situ best sngt la~ ak tak tau.. MIANHAE :(
then gi kompleks nadia carik buku dewan pelajar (rsenye la~:D)
pastu carik2 tudung neb ngan nadia mcm makcik2.haha

neb kata :alololo comelnyer :D

neb nadia trying of new selendang


pastu pegi office ayah, lepak2 jap. satu jam menunggu ni la hasilnyer :D

 syed:ayah~lama lagi ke :/

thanks ayah

then ayah belanja makan MCDonald *winkwink
pastu balik
end of the day

thanks a lot for Nur Nadih 'Izzati and Farah Nabillah cause invited me to have a some sweet memories with both of you :') 

Monday, November 21, 2011